Saturday, July 19, 2008

Noodle Lacrosse

Ok, I know I haven't posted for a long time, but here is one in theme of the summer. its called noodle lacrosse.

One hot summer day a few years ago, my mom, dad, sister, and I were in the pool playing volleyball. We began to play baseball with the beach ball and foam noodles, and of course that was an epic failure. We found a way to hold the noodle so that it would at least hit the ball more than one foot. We were holding the noodle in a "fish" shape with the tail in our hands. As we were trying to hit the ball, one of us actually caught it with our noodle and threw it to the next person. Thus noodle lacrosse was born.

Why Its Fun
It is very silly. That is possibly the only reason why it's fun, but it is fun indeed. It does take skill to play though. It gets very tiring for your hand to hold the bulky noodle in just the right shape to catch and throw. Feel free to go a little crazy with it. There are very few rules. Don't touch the ball with your hands, don't hit people, and have fun. Diving is long as you don't dislocate your knee cap or something.